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Murrow College of Communication at WSU

Religious Institution Promotes Church Blood Drive


For the past 15 years, the Latter-Day Saints Institute and its students have hosted blood drives with the American Red Cross. The LDS church and Resonate are the only two churches in the area that host blood drives for the community, blood bank, but this year they want to add more involve more churches for the future.

Director of the Latter-Day Saints Institute, Curtis Banks said, “It surprises me that churches in the area have not taken the opportunity to do more drives like this.”

The Institute is using their first blood drive of the year to reach out to other churches in the community and contact the American Red Cross for a future combined blood drive.

As the Institute houses the drive and allows students to volunteer with check-ins, the American Red Cross provides staffing to take the blood.

American Red Cross Regional Director, Mary Kress, describes the cooperation of the church and its ideas of getting more churches to assist the community with more blood drives, as a step to get more donations.

“What more can one ask for when you can save a life by donating blood?” Asks Kress.

“When working with the American Red Cross students can donate blood, and when they assist at the blood drive, they can get up to one hour of community service, whether it’s if they help donate or assist with check-ins,” Kress said.

Banks would like to see this blood drive as a step forward in upholding the Institution’s mission of letting students uplift each other as well as the community they live in.

“It’s providing an experience for my students to give back to their community and to feel like they have contributed in a positive way to helping those in need,” Banks said.

If you would like to donate blood you can visit americanredcross.org to select your spot for the blood drive.



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If you have any issues/concerns please feel free to reach out to Instructor, Kanale Rhoden or Department Chair, Ben Shors.

©2019 Washington State University Board of Regents – Edward R. Murrow College of Communication. 

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