Omicron Variant Detected In Three Cases In Washington State

The omicron variant has been found in Washington state.

State health officials announced Saturday that three cases of the new coronavirus variant have been found: one each in King, Pierce and Thurston counties.

State Secretary of Health Dr. Umair Shah says it was only a matter of time before the variant was found here. He says it’s a reason for concern, but not for panic.

Shah: “The best way to prevent the spread of this new variant, or any other variant, is, of course, to get vaccinated… and we certainly want to continue to emphasize wearing masks and other safety protocols.” 

Health officials say they expect to see more omicron cases. A lot remains unknown about the new variant. Experts say it could take weeks, not days, to get a better understanding of its impacts. 

The three positive cases identified in the state are two men and a woman in their 20s and 30s. Officials say they don’t think the cases are related and that their travel history was unknown.

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