Tri Cities’ 2nd Annual Celebration Of Community, Diversity, And Culture This Weekend
(Runtime 1:12)
The 2nd Annual Celebration of Community, Diversity & Culture” will be held this weekend August 6th from 12 to 8 p.m. in Kennewick.

Diversity and Inclusion
The last few decades has changed the region into a more beautiful, diverse, and inclusive place says Lynn Carlson. She serves on the board for the Tri-Cities Diversity and Inclusion Council:
“Diversity is a natural thing and it is to be embraced and celebrated… lots of nationalities lots of origins and ethnicities, lots of religions gender expressions and sexual orientiations…our region is already quite diverse”
The Council spent the year making sure there’s wide variety of entertainers and musicians. There’s a fashion show from the Islamic Center and traditional folk and swing dancers, with a dance floor for the community.
The day-long event will be at Columbia Park near the bandshell with 30 multicultural vendors, beer and wine garden, and a variety of food.
“We’ve also asked that food vendors make affordable options so meals that are under $12 so that everyone can taste and sample the different cultures that are represented in the food.”
The event is free with shuttles provided by Ben Franklin Transit as well. Remember to bring your lawn chair and sunblock.