The McNary Dam in Umatilla, Oregon. The Bonneville Power Administration’s Fish and Wildlife program works to lessen the impact of Columbia River Basin dams on wildlife. (Credit: Pacific Northwest National […]Read More
In 1988, while working in Ohio, a molecular biology researcher’s work got destroyed. Pat Hunt was working in a lab testing estrogen levels on mice. While cleaning the plastic mouse cages, a temporary worker grabbed the wrong detergent.Read More
After four years of study, the Record of Decision makes the federal agencies’ preferred option official. Managers and dam supporters say it will benefit salmon, reliable hydropower and the economy. Wild salmon advocates, tribal representatives and renewable energy advocates say this decision will hurt salmon and the orcas that depend on them for food.Read More
The Trump administration has abandoned its bid to sell off the Pacific Northwest’s publicly owned utility transmission lines, according to Republican members of Congress who were briefed on the decision.Read More
The Trump administration wants to sell off publicly-owned utility transmission lines. The most recent budget proposal also suggests a move that could raise rates for Bonneville Power Administration customers.Read More
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is working with agencies that are responding to the Eagle Creek fire. Fire departments from North Bonneville, Tualatin, Dayton, Keizer and Hillsboro staged […]Read More