No Expiration Date On Charitable IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution Tax Benefits
In December 2015, Congress made some popular charitable giving tax incentives permanent–including the charitable IRA qualified charitable distribution incentive. Now donors can now plan their giving through IRA qualified charitable distribution any time of the year.
The charitable IRA qualified charitable distribution is a provision allowing certain donors to exclude from taxable income — yet count toward their required minimum distribution — certain transfers of Individual Retirement Account (IRA) assets that are made directly to public charities, including Northwest Public Broadcasting through the WSU Foundation. Donors age 70-1/2 or older can use this popular option to support charities with tax-wise gifts of up to $100,000. Qualified charitable distributions can count toward your minimum required distribution.
When you talk to your financial advisor or IRA agency to request a qualified charitable distribution, the following information may be helpful. Charitable contributions to Northwest Public Broadcasting are directed to
Washington State University Foundation
PO Box 641925
Pullman, WA 99164-1925
Phone: 509-335-6686 or 800-GIV-2-WSU (448-2978)
Fax: 509-335-4788
IRS Tax ID: 91-1075542
Established 1979
To ensure quick processing of your IRA contribution, simply give Northwest Public Broadcasting and/or the WSU Foundation a note or call indicating that your Charitable IRA qualified charitable distribution is to be used for Northwest Public Broadcasting.
For more information, contact
Sandi Billings | Major Gifts Officer | Northwest Public Broadcasting
The Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at Washington State University
PO Box 642530 | Pullman, Washington 99164-2530
office: 509-335-3600 | cell: 208-310-9150
sandi.billings@wsu.edu | nwpb.org