Washington Is Scrambling To Report COVID-19 Cases In Real Time

Nurses in an outdoor test testing area.
Photo by Curtis Gilbert


American Public Media reports that 11 states and the District of Columbia either don’t know or won’t say how many COVID-19 patients have been admitted to their hospitals. APM reports inconsistencies in data collection, or no real-time tracking. Read the full report by American Public Media. 

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Long-COVID clinic in Seattle.

Long-COVID patients need more resources in central Washington

In Washington, there is only one clinic to treat Long-COVID. It is in Seattle on the west side of the state. Long-COVID haulers in the Yakima Valley face a lack of local resources, diagnosis and information. Some say they feel disconnected from their doctors. This is part three of a collaborative piece with palabra about Long-COVID.

University of Washington’s long COVID clinic, located at the Norm Maleng Building at Harborview Medical Center. (Credit: Tela Moss / NWPB)

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