Practice Drill For ‘The Big One’ Earthquake With NWPB
You’ve probably heard the Northwest is overdue for a big earthquake. You could be anywhere when it strikes: at home, at work, at school or even on vacation. It can happen any time of the year.
What you do NOW will determine your quality of life after the next big earthquake. Are you prepared to survive on your own for two weeks?
You’re invited to participate in the Great Washington Shakeout with Northwest Public Broadcasting. On October 17, at 10:17 AM, practice with us when you hear the alarm on our stations. Drop, cover and hold on.
Prepare your emergency kit for yourself, family and pets. You’ll need enough supplies, especially water, food and medicine to survive on your own for 2 weeks. Bridges, roads and power lines will likely be down and emergency crews may not get to you fast enough.
And here are stories from Northwest reporters with information to help inspire and inform you on being prepared for the big one.
The following story is of particular importance.
Have You Planned For Number Two After ‘The Big One’?
Related Stories:

Rehearsing For ‘The Big One’ On A Room-Sized Chess Board
Close to 200 federal, state and tribal emergency preparedness planners gathered around a giant map of the Pacific Northwest this week to rehearse and critique the federal response plan for “The Big One.” The three-day Cascadia earthquake discussion exercise partially replaced a much bigger planned dress rehearsal that was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Are You ‘Two Weeks Ready’ For Post-Quake Survival? WA And OR Say You Should Be
The state of Oregon has set an ambitious goal to prepare more families in earthquake country to be “two weeks ready” after a disaster. Washington’s emergency management agency is also seeking more funding to prepare people in a similar way.

Seismic Research Ship Goes Boom-Boom To Seek Answers At Origin Of The Next Big One
Earthquake researchers are eager to dig into a trove of new data about the offshore Cascadia fault zone. When Cascadia ruptures, it can trigger a megaquake known as “the Big One.” The valuable new imaging of the geology off the Oregon, Washington and British Columbia coasts comes from a specialized research vessel.