
Governor Signs And Partially Vetoes Ambitious Washington Environmental Laws, Drawing Criticism
Gov. Jay Inslee signed the Climate Commitment Act, environmental justice legislation, a clean fuels standard and bills related to reducing Washington’s single-use plastic waste and hydrofluorocarbon pollution.

Scientists Urge Federal Government To Restore Protections For Gray Wolves
A group of scientists urged the Biden administration Thursday to restore legal protections for gray wolves, saying their removal earlier this year was premature and that states are allowing too many of the animals to be killed.

One Idea To Remove Snake River Dams May Be Dead In The Water. Inslee And Murray Oppose It
A wide-ranging proposal to save wild salmon by removing the four Lower Snake River dams may be dead in the water. Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and Sen. Patty Murray say any proposal for the controversial dams needs a “science-based,” “community-driven” approach.

Governor Signs Bill Allowing For Killing Of Up To 90% Of Wolves In Idaho
Idaho Gov. Brad Little has signed into law a measure that could lead to killing 90% of the state’s 1,500 wolves in a move that was backed by hunters and the state’s powerful ranching sector but heavily criticized by environmental advocates.

Tribes Team With Northwest Researchers To Show Viability Of Salmon Above Upper Columbia Dams
The Upper Columbia United Tribes are working together to prove salmon can be reintroduced – and can survive – in the waters above Grand Coulee.

Even In The Bright Of Day, Some Klickitat County Residents Have A Solar Energy ‘Nightmare’
If approved, a utility-scale solar farm would be the largest in renewable friendly Klickitat County and in Washington. But some residents say its potential location doesn’t take one important thing into account: environmental justice.

Wyoming Doubles Down On Coal With Threat To Sue Other Western States, Including Washington
Last year, Wyoming and Montana — another major coal state — asked the Supreme Court to override a decision by Washington state to deny a permit to build a coal export dock on the Columbia River. The interstate lawsuit followed years of unsuccessful attempts by the dock’s developer, Utah-based Lighthouse Resources, to contest the permit denial in federal court.

Washington Joins Oregon, California, British Columbia In Passing Low-Carbon Fuel Standard
The state’s new fuel standards will slowly lower the amount of heat-trapping greenhouse gasses coming out of vehicle tailpipes through 2035. That means cleaner technologies biodiesel or renewable natural gas will get a boost over gasoline and diesel.

‘It Sometimes Is Depressing’: Conservation Moves Forward, And Uphill, For Washington’s Sage Grouse
Sage grouse in the Columbia Basin are cut off from others in Oregon and southern Idaho, making them unique in their recovery. In 1998, Washington listed its sage grouse as threatened. They now occupy around 8 percent of their historic range in the state.

WATCH: Is Recycling Worth It Anymore? People On The Front Lines Say Maybe Not
Recycling works, but it’s not magic. As America continues to lead the world in per capita waste production, it’s becoming more and more clear that everybody – manufacturers and consumers — “over-believes” in recycling.

The Future Of Washington’s Transportation Infrastructure Hinges On The Carbon Pricing Debate
Top Washington state legislators want to put a price on carbon to raise money for transportation projects. But with time running out, they can’t agree on the details.

How The U.S. Could Halve Climate Emissions By 2030
Next week, President Biden will announce a number that could shape the rest of his presidency: a new goal to cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. The announcement marks the country’s renewed commitment to the Paris accord, the international climate change agreement that former President Trump withdrew from.