Exxon Lobbyist Caught On Video Talks About Undermining President Biden’s Climate Push
Indiscrete comments made by an ExxonMobil lobbyist to undercover activists may figure prominently in upcoming congressional hearings about the role of oil companies in the battle against climate change.
The Heat Wave Has Killed Dozens And Hospitalized More Across Washington, Oregon And B.C.
Scores of deaths along the U.S. West Coast and in the Vancouver metro area in Canada are being blamed on an ongoing heat wave that has broken records.
From Seattle To Eugene To Tri-Cities To North Idaho, The Same Story: It’s Hot And Getting Hotter
Cities were reminding residents where pools, splash pads and cooling centers were available and urging people to stay hydrated, check on their neighbors and avoid strenuous activities. The National Weather Service in Coeur d’Alene said this week’s weather “will likely be one of the most extreme and prolonged heat waves in the recorded history of the Inland Northwest.”
Here Comes The Sun: How To Prepare And Stay Safe As Temps Rise And Fire Danger Heats Up
A major heat wave is hitting the Northwest. Heat and its long-term effects kills more people in the U.S. than any other weather-related issue. Now is the time to prepare. Here are some steps you can take to get ready:
Several Northwest Cities Set Record High Temperatures Over The Weekend, With More To Come
Several Northwest cities set record high temperatures for Saturday. Spokane was not one of them. Its official high of 98 fell two degrees short. In eastern Washington, Pasco, Hanford and Yakima were among those setting records for June 26.
Heat Brings Concern For Northwest Salmon And Water Temps, As Memory Of 2015 Die-Off Looms
As the mercury climbs this weekend, water temperatures are also expected to increase. Warmer waters can spell bad news for salmon, especially if the temperatures stay warm for long periods of time.
Washington Denies Permit For Goldendale Pumped Hydro Project, But It’s Not The End Of The Road
A large energy storage project in Washington will have to reapply for important water quality certifications. The state recently denied the certification because officials didn’t have enough information about the Goldendale Energy Storage Project.
The Record Temperatures Enveloping The West Are Not Your Average Heat Wave
It might be tempting to shrug at the scorching weather across large swaths of the West. This just in: It gets hot in the summer. But this record-setting heat wave’s remarkable power, size and unusually early appearance is giving meteorologists and climate experts yet more cause for concern about the routinization of extreme weather in an era of climate change.
Washington Steps Up Patrols For Litter And Debris, After The Pandemic Year Left Roadsides Trashed
We’ve all probably seen it: a vehicle driving down the highway with boxes and tools and furniture jammed into the back of bed. A chunk of something might fly out at any moment. It hasn’t been properly tied down. Washington State Patrol is conducting emphasis patrols to educate drivers on how to properly secure their loads.
Mt. Rainier Ptarmigans Are ‘Cute, Funny Little Birds.’ And They May Get More Federal Protection
If you’ve ever been hiking in the Cascades, high up in the alpine meadows, and were spooked by a streak of a bird, a plume of feathers that darted right in front of your face, you may have come across the Mount Rainier white-tailed ptarmigan.
Coming Soon To An Atlas Near You: A Fifth Ocean
BY KAREN ZAMORA, JUSTINE KENIN & EMMA BOWMAN Most of us learned about the world’s oceans in elementary school. There’s the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian and the Arctic. Now,
Colville Tribes Encouraged By Young Salmon Spawning Behind Grand Coulee Dam
The Colville Tribes Fish and Wildlife Department have found several chinook salmon under 1-year-old. Biologists had transported 100 fish above Grand Coulee Dam to see if the habitat made for good spawning spots.