National News

National News

The Mulema family fled the Central African Republic, spent years in a refugee camp, and were eventually resettled in Newark, Del., by Jewish Family Services. CREDIT: Tom Gjelten/NPR

U.S. Refugee Program ‘On Life Support,’ Facing Big Challenges

Among the more daunting challenges President Biden faces in the coming year will be to make good on his goal of admitting 10 times as many refugees — 125,000 — as former President Donald Trump allowed to enter the United States last year. During his presidency, Trump ordered drastic cutbacks in the U.S. refugee program.

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With precautions such as mask-wearing in place, experts predict travel is among the activities that may become safer by this summer. CREDIT: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Could The Worst Of The Pandemic Be Over For The U.S.?

A year after the pandemic shut down the country, a growing number of infectious disease experts, epidemiologists, public health officials and others have started to entertain a notion that has long seemed out of reach: The worst of the pandemic may be over for the United States.

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