Music & Culture

Classical Music Posts

Quiz: Composer Or Music Software?

Music and technology – two things you probably can’t live without! But can you tell the difference when given just a name? Is Frescobaldi a composer or music software. Or both! Take a couple moments to see if you can guess composer from music software.

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2021/2022 Northwest Concert Season Premieres

The orchestra tuning up. A quieting audience. Applause as the conductor enters the stage.
Familiar sounds marking the start of a live performance. After a year and a half pause, symphony season has been a notably missing companion in our community.

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Music Moment: The Grand Canyon Suite

A 24-year-old New York man packed a Jeep with some essentials and a few cans of gas and made his way across Arizona in 1916. The man, Ferde Grofé, arrived at his destination after dark, unaware that his life was about to change with the sunrise of the next day.

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