The Reach Museum in Richland is featuring a new exhibition called Migration to Community, which highlights the contributions of Hispanics and Latinos at Hanford. Read More
Democrats Chelsea Dimas, Maria Beltran and Ana Ruiz Kennedy are running in Washington’s 14th Legislative District in central Washington. They were the targets of some GOP text messages to Spanish-speaking […]Read More
El Washington Center for the Book entregó los Premios del Libro del Estado de Washington 2023 para libros destacados publicados por autores de Washington. Lauren Gallup entrevistó a Sasha taqʷšəblu LaPointe y Johanna Bejarano entrevistó a Ricardo Ruiz – dos de los ganadores.Read More
Miembros del equipo de Alimentando al Pueblo preparan cajas de alimentos culturalmente relevantes. Foto suministrada por Roxana Pardo. ESCUCHE (Duración 1:11) LEA Con menos fondos para la asistencia alimentaria después […]Read More
Alimentando al Pueblo staff members prepare culturally relevant food boxes. Credit: Courtesy of Roxana Pardo Listen (Runtime 0:53) Read With less funding for food assistance after COVID, the only Latinx […]Read More
El poeta Ricardo Ruiz, la artista visual Christie Tirado y el artista conceptual Saúl Martínez. LEA Tres artistas del centro de Washington muestran la experiencia chicana y mexicanoamericana, aportando significado […]Read More
Poet Ricardo Ruiz, visual artist Christie Tirado and conceptual artist Saul Martinez. Listen (Runtime 2:37) Read Three Central Washington artists showcase the Chicano and Mexican American experience, bringing significance to […]Read More
Listen (Runtime 0:58) Read A Hispanic Heritage Film Festival will kick off the Tri-Cities celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. This weekend’s festival will honor the historical and cultural contributions of […]Read More
Mes de la Herencia Hispana. Crédito: Bibliotecas de Mid-Columbia. LEA El Festival de Cine de la Herencia Hispana será parte de las celebraciones del Mes de la Herencia Hispana en […]Read More
Las mujeres que representan diferentes grupos étnico-raciales de Yakima recibieron 19 becas para ayudarlas a continuar su formación jurídica. Foto: Pataathla Sutterlict. LEA Más mujeres étnica y racialmente diversas quieren […]Read More
The multi-billion dollar wine industry in Washington state would not be what it is today without the field workers. The storytelling program Breaking Ground captures the stories about growers and winemakers and also the field workers.Read More
Datos más inclusivos para servir mejor a las comunidadesRead More
Aspersión de pesticidas en los cultivos del estado de Washington. Foto: Cortesía de Pablo Palmández. Read Un nuevo estudio muestra que las personas de color, los indígenas y las comunidades […]Read More
Según datos de la Universidad del Sur de California, en el condado de Yakima hay 12.000 inmigrantes adultos que pueden obtener la ciudadanía. El 94% son hispanos. José Tapia se convirtió en ciudadano estadounidense en marzo, a los 83 años.Read More
Una demanda federal desafía el plan de redistribución legislativa del Estado de Washington. Individuos y organizaciones alegan que la nueva distribución diluye la fuerza de los votantes latinos en el Valle de Yakima y viola la Ley Federal del Derecho al Voto.Read More
The first time actor Antony Ramos saw In the Heights, Lin-Manuel Miranda's Broadway production about a Latinx community in New York City's Washington Heights neighborhood, he was floored.Read More
In this episode of "Traverse Talks with Sueann Ramella," author and University of Washington professor of Chicano studies Carlos Gil discusses his views of assimilation as a descendant of Mexican immigrants growing up in CaliforniaRead More
The dance company features work of Latinx choreographers, as well as a robust educational outreach program. It was just awarded a $4 million grant from the Ford Foundation.Read More
A study out Monday found that Hispanic and nonwhite workers made up 73% of cases associated with workplace outbreaks in certain industries, despite representing 24% of the workforce in those sectors.Read More
A former police officer in Okanogan County town of Tonasket will receive $80,000, after he alleged the mayor told him his name sounded “too Hispanic.” Jose Perez, who was one of three people in the town’s police department, took his allegations to the Tonasket City Council in January 2019, where he described what he said Mayor Dennis Brown told him.Read More
Idaho’s schools have some 16,000 English language learners, and the majority speak Spanish as a primary language. Yet English language learners make up only 25 percent of Idaho’s Hispanic students, the vast majority of whom speak English.Read More
A proposal to change Yakima’s form of government by replacing the city manager with an elected mayor is off the table — at least for now. City council members voted Tuesday to remove the measure from the February ballot hours after two lawsuits were filed by a coalition of civil rights organizations. Read More
El próximo consejo municipal en Yakima será menos diverso. Solo una candidata Latina tiene una ventaja estrecha sobre su oponente electoral, cuatro años después de que las primeras Latinas tomaron cargos en el ayuntamiento después de una elección histórica. ¿Qué sucedió? Read More
Yakima's next council will likely be different. Only two Latina candidates ran for office this year, and just one has a lead — a narrow one — over her opponent. Yakima’s population is nearly half Latinx. Read More