Northwest News

Northwest News

Snow geese flocking and flying at Fir Island in Skagit County. (Courtesy: Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife.)

Snow geese winter population in Skagit on the rise, posing problems to farmers

In late autumn on the cusp of cool winter days, snow comes early to Washington when thousands of aloft avians, snow geese, land here in a flurry of white feathers.
“We call it a snow storm, they just will move as one,” said birder Julie Hagen. “It’s just this chaotic whirlwind of birds, they move like a cloud and then they just lift up in the air.”

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Members of TAMWU celebrating after the announcement that workers unanimously voted for unionizing. (Credit: Gillian Fulford, AFSCME Council 28 / WFSE)

Workers at Tacoma Art Museum vote unanimously to unionize

To unionize, Tacoma Art Museum Workers United [TAMWU] needed the majority of its 26 workers to vote yes. After two days of voting in an election overseen by the Washington State Public Employment Relations Commission, the unanimous results came in Thursday evening — 26 in favor of unionizing.

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