The Environmental Protection Agency set new clean-air standards four years ago for wood stove and hydronic heater manufacturers. These manufacturers were told that by 2020 they would have to sell off older models of stoves and heaters that did not meet the new standards that limit fine particulate matter. Now the EPA is proposing a two-year delay to that sell-by deadline.Read More
A 20-month investigation shows the extent the Catholic Church's order of Jesuits, aka Society of Jesus, used Northwest Native reservations and Alaska Native communities to shuffle clergy with credible accusations of sex abuse. Instead of being prosecuted or removed from ministry, many were sent to other remote assignments, and housed in a retirement community on the Read More
Federal officials were in Spokane this week to talk about the future of the Columbia River Treaty, an agreement between the U.S. and Canada that dates back to 1964. A six-member panel will represent the U.S. in negotiations to update the treaty. Noticeably absent were members of any of the numerous Native American tribes along the Columbia, which have been pushing to Read More
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